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About Swetlerra & Art




This strange and mysterious world of leathercraft and felt fascinated me and led to the creation. And you want to live in it and telling interesting stories. Come with me, I'll talk about a world where lives harmony and joy, good humor and special characters.


The company has a young but rapidly developing . In the past, in 2013 , the first exhibition of my works in Tokyo and now in the shop I want to introduce the collection , presented at the exhibition . This year , in February , I was in Tokyo for the first time introduced Felt - leather bags Swetlerra & Art to the public.

Welcome to my store Learthercraft handmade! , felting retain heat hands of the master.
This wonderful world that you can create , takes us into the mysterious creative ideas and endless imagination. My leather jewelry will show you a world of different peoples , themes and images .


All the decorations , I only in the singular, never repeating . In my works I use in combination with leather other natural materials such as wood , natural stone , metal. As well as advanced materials , polymer clay beads .


Leathercraft  jewelry is very light and flexible, so it is very practical to wear. Also , engaging in embossed leather, in my workshop , products obtained very delicate and convex . Working on the product for several hours or days the product passes the mood in which it was made . So when I do the next product , I think only about good and positive .

Nataliya Nishi

Nataliya Nishi

 Swetlerra & Art

© 2010 Swetlerra & Art  Studio Leathercraft Felting Handmade Tokyo  Japan

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